Bobby was a Skye Terrier who spent years earning his place in history.  In fact, he spent 14 years.

Bobby’s human companion was John Gray, a night watchman for the Edinburgh Police.  When Mr. Gray passed on, he was buried in Greyfriar’s Kirkyard in the Old Towne of Edinburgh.  This is also where Bobby spent his remaining 14 years.  He never left the grave of his master, choosing to remain by his side.  In 1867, Lord Provost of Edinburgh (also the Director of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Sir William Chambers purchased Bobby’s license.  He became very well known, and he was a cherished fixture in the cemetery.  Through the years, he was fed and generally cared for by the townspeople and visitors to the cemetery.

Bobby passed on 14 January, 1872, and was buried just inside the gates of Greyfriar’s Kirkyard (still very close to his beloved owner).

Since that time, this faithful friend has been honored by the public in a variety of ways.  There are statues in his likeness, and several books and films have been written on his life.  Today, in the Museum of Edinburgh, you will find the collar that was purchased for him by Sir William Chambers.

Just as with any folk tale, the story has had its variations over the years, and if you read more about Bobby, you’re likely to run into a few discrepancies between the different versions.  However, one fact remains:  we should all hope to have a companion like Greyfriar’s Bobby, man’s most loyal friend.

Owners of Skye Terriers love the breed for that very reason.  They are elegant and fiercely loyal.

Photo Credit: exoimperator via Compfight cc